Laboratorios BABE Mauritius

  1. BABE
    BABE Pediatric Bath Gel 500ml
  2. BABE
    BABE Nappy Rash Cream 100ml
  3. BABE
    BABE Pediatric Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50+ 100ml
  4. BABE
    BABE Multi Corrector Eyes and Lips Lifting Cream 15ml
About Us

Laboratorios Babé is a brand created in 1994 by two Spanish pharmacists whose objective was to develop a simple line of dermo-cosmetic products capable of providing solutions to basic skin problems such as blemishes, atopic skin, oily or sensitive skin, dandruff. , dermatitis, etc. Since its inception, this laboratory has been characterized by its proven quality and this is no coincidence, this Spanish company has its own R&D and Quality department that is responsible for developing each product under strict standards and rigorous industry processes. pharmaceutical and cosmetic and of course, taking into account the main needs of the market with respect to skincare and health. Another of the particularities of Laboratorios Babe is that all your products are coadjuvants in dermatological treatments and recommended by the best dermatologists and pharmacists in the country, who value and trust each of the formulas developed thanks to the fact that they are hypoallergenic, dermatologically tested before use. official market launch and respect the balance and physiological PH of the skin. The latter allows Babe products to be used by people with extremely sensitive skin. More than 40 countries confirm the quality of Laboratorios Babe thanks to quality, transparency, honesty, simplicity, and safety.

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